Yoruba Classes For Childen


Our School specializes in teaching the Yoruba language to children aged between 5 and 16. Yoruba is a spoken language in the South Western states of Nigeria. We are a community group, based in Northolt, working towards a brighter future for our children who live in the United Kingdom. Our group serves children in the local community.


The children learn their mother tongue in a friendly, inspiring and warm environment. They learn their cultural heritage and traditions that they world otherwise have no opportunity to learn. They learn and perform cultural dances, raps story telling and songs.


Aims and objectives


1. The children will become fluent speakers of their first language.

2. They will meet other children from their community and socialise.

3. They will receive help with their schoolwork.

4. They will understand the spoken and written form of the language.

5. They, in turn, will be able to pass the knowledge on to their offspring.

The children learn through songs and rhymes. They carry out role-plays and read books in the target language. These classes are held every Saturday, during term time, at the Viking Community Centre. Class times are between 10am and 12 noon. The group holds workshops and talks for adults who wish to learn about the Yoruba culture.

In the past year, children have presented what they have learnt to their parents during our termly presentations - Christmas, spring and summer. These have created an opportunity for the school to welcome the community into our midst and provided a forum for a social gathering for everyone. Children have been awarded certificates

and award for different achievements ranging from attendance to diction.

Members of the community have shared African food with us. We

continue to help the children with their school work especially with

literacy and numeracy.


Dorah Kuyoro & Yinka Adisa


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